Buddy-buddy in a sentence as an adjective

" in the page title - this is buddy-buddy and cute, but you aren't selling a social app or a game.

Many of the people you see all buddy-buddy right now will hate each other before the end of next year.

Writing and grammar aside, I think the buddy-buddy way in which the TSA blog is written is condescending.

Because of this, one would trust Wikileaks as they clearly do not have a buddy-buddy relationship with the US govt.

I wouldn't expect AntiSec to frame the FBI, but then again they're not exactly buddy-buddy.

In small companies good people can end up being laid off because they happen to not be buddy-buddy with their boss, and there's no oversight.

You even admit that it's buddy-buddy and informal, which downplays the importance.

Or is Apple buddy-buddy enough with their hardware vendors that they get around this by receiving special treatment?

What if you got the impression that the design session was buddy-buddy because that's what it authentically was?

I think they were just trying to piggy-back on BSD reputation as stable and mature system, so they played the buddy-buddy card.

We can infer that any developer in the US or any real buddy-buddy country with the US probably had police at their door.

Corruption is rampant in those countries and it turns entrepreneurs off because it's too hard to get anything done without being buddy-buddy with the fat cats.

It's interesting to me that there is such a sharp line between open source projects that are buddy-buddy with proprietary closed services and ones that aren't.

He's been a rather vocal opponent of the current buddy-buddy arrangement between ULA and the US Military.

The OP took the elements of the original announcementthe pretentiousness, the nave pomposity, the buddy-buddy informalityand turned them up to eleven.

> The OP took the elements of the original announcementthe > pretentiousness, the nave pomposity, the buddy-buddy > informalityand turned them up to eleven.

How can something be both pretentious and buddy-buddy informal?Pretentious: "Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

There're various things that startups could do that would make I-banker's jobs a lot easier: keep good accounting records, make sure they're completely covered legally, have solid revenue streams, don't get all buddy-buddy with potential acquirers.

That was that, but I thought still America is better: unlike in China where if you have any hopes of making it big as a company you pretty much need to play buddy-buddy with the government and accept that the gov't will exercise some control where it suits them.

Then if they do have a landlord, what's their relationship like?Even as someone in my mid-20's, my relationship with my landlord isn't buddy-buddy because I have no intention of staying at this location and can't guarantee that she'll have a property in an area I look into in the future.

I think that a big part of what causes 'bad management' is that managers may tend to think of themselves as buddy-buddy with their subordinates, and rationalize that surely someone will tell them if they make a mistake, issue instructions that seem counterproductive, make bad tradeoffs like the ones in the article, et cetera, et cetera.

Buddy-buddy definitions


(used informally) associated on close terms; "a close friend"; "the bartender was chummy with the regular customers"; "the two were thick as thieves for months"

See also: chummy