Idyl in a sentence as a noun

New development is virtually nonexistent in SF. Rent control is, at this point, an unmitigated disaster to a city that's still clinging to some 60s idyll. Personally I think NYC is far more attractive than the Bay Area in all ways but two: the weather and the inertia of existing tech companies.

It posits that America's idyll of a tech-free natural scene is actually a balance of technology and nature, and is a artificial nature propped up by machine, and demonstrates this history of this tension in American life from Shakespeare to Jefferson to Thoreau to the modern day. It completely turned my conception of the perfect life upsidedown.

Idyl definitions


a musical composition that evokes rural life

See also: pastorale pastoral idyll


a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life

See also: eclogue bucolic idyll