Blustering in a sentence as an adjective

But feel too ashamed to say that and start blustering. I think that none of the assumptions I made are stupid.

But feel too ashamed to say that and start blustering. You might as well say 'database x is always the best choice'.

I love all this blustering and ranting when all they have to do is install a text file in their home directory. That's it.

More blustering and threats. Then I get a call from LG with the lawyer on the line where the LG person was actually pretty decent and it was obvious they had no idea what the lawyer was doing.

And when he accuses thesis-driven essays of blustering through and hand-waving, its rather funny, isnt it? Thats exactly what Paul Graham does, all the time.

Yes but all those things can just been seen as politicians blustering. Politicians are very good at twisting words to say something while implying another thing.

That said, yes, I'm sure there's some blustering here, but honestly, you don't need to be a master of everything to understand what is being stored, where, and how its being done. What the **** does Julian Assange know about fighting a war?

If I come across these people I wont tell them I know they are full of **** so they probably think I bought their blustering but they aren't having my sale. But if it got you better sales in your experience it seems this is the minority of people.

But it isn't something to make blustering declarations about, as though you're taking some great moral stance it's a practical choice that everyone has to make.

>He's acted like an angry blustering oaf who is pathologically intolerant of criticism. Ask yourself — how much do you trust the work of a scientist who threatens to sue for true reports of peer review of his work?

When you hear someone joking all the time, blustering about how tough they are, it's generally been my experience that it's a sign of severe insecurity. Almost like they're reassuring themselves.

Probably including lots of blustering by him about how important he is and that he's a lawyer and how she's an idiot and the government is ridiculous. I'd bet a lot that he's paying an ******* tax and if he had kept his cool, he'd have his boat.

I agree that "fight back" was unfortunate terminology, but I thought so for a different reason: It sounds like juvenile blustering. We weren't actually fighting anything — we were just making a few phone calls.

You can't crack him; no matter how obvious his boosterism for G+, he never stops grinning and blustering and insisting that everything is awesome. It is severely off-putting.

In my mind, blustering about colors and fonts in a case of this import only serves to highlight the triviality of designers: they are a luxury.

Counter the evidence I've presented, or admit you're wrong, instead of blustering and stonewalling and ignoring the evidence.

If you say that I - sound like an idiot - am blustering because I'm ashamed I'm in the wrong - think open source is valueless - am ignorant These are only some of the excerpts but I keep noticing that you read what I say and then concoct some grand scheme in your head instead of taking the precise wording I used to closer heart. Disagree?

Sadly he also had a habit of blustering on higher-level things to management, which eventually caught up to him when risky guesses didn't pan out enough times and management labeled him as a bullshitter.

After looking at the endnotes for this report, it's clear that the writer has actually bought the meaningless blustering these companies and governments are doing. Threats, promises, and warnings aside, there's a distinct lack of actual action on the part of governments and companies towards this idea of harming US companies for what their government did.

But fnw is denying the evidence and blustering instead, which is a pretty good indication that he's the kind of person who would exploit the tragic ******* of a transgendered person to push their misogynistic gamer gate agenda, which is behavior that doesn't belong on hacker news. So the system is working as it was designed.

When a response to a piece as thorough and logical as Guyenet's gets called a "smack down," it's almost always full of rhetorical blustering which is highly satisfying to people predisposed to side with the smacker. But anyone with genuine interest in seeing the discussion advance and see where Guyenet's argument breaks down is likely to be disappointed.

Being able to pick up a turd floating in a urinal does not in any way deliver on all the broken promises, rehabilitate the ruined reputation, or make up for all the blustering hype that was spewed for so many years about how superior Duke Nukem Forever's gameplay would be to all the other games that were already on the market. The damage was done a long time ago, and can never be undone.

You have to admire the ingenuity and effort that went into not only blustering after the fact, but also creating the public portrait of "Dorian" the immigrant who'd never fully grasped the use of apostrophes, pluralization or indefinite articles whilst simultaneously privately corresponding in immaculate idiomatic English as "Satoshi". By the looks of those Amazon reviews and messages to editors there was some serious astroturfing going on!

The bond prices question is a pretty bad filter, since it doesn't give the competent candidate much chance to express how they think, and a weak candidate has a good chance of guessing "they go down" and even a fair chance of blustering their way through followup questions/explanations. On the **** side, you could probably unintentionally trip up someone with a generally competent grasp of economics/stats but a lack of specific interest in bonds over terminology if your followup questions start asking them to distinguish between types of yield.

Blustering definitions


blowing in violent and abrupt bursts; "blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia"; "a cold blustery day"; "a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind"

See also: blusterous blustery