Blustery in a sentence as an adjective

My umbrella problems:* Walking in the wind - when it's blustery, I get blown all over the place.

This may be an unfair bar to hold people to, despite all the blustery talk of innovation and disruption. :|

Keep in mind that CNN started in 1980, and has always been a parade of blustery talking heads, in between the on-scene disaster reports.

"And it looks like we're going to have a very blustery afternoon making for a tough easterly traffic situation and a high of 97 cuils"

Tons of talent without blustery egos or corporate politics.

I've been on a plane where we were asked to do this in preparation for what was expected to be a particularly hard landing due to a nasty crosswind and blustery conditions.

Taibbi wrote a terrific article about AIG a couple of months ago, but the Goldman piece was just phoned in, a long series of blustery assertions with essentially nothing to back up any of them.

" Putting that show in the context of "liberal indoctrination" is like writing an entire article on Bolero and then stating, "A lot of people find Ravel's music blustery and repetitive.

What evidence is there that "enemies" were aided by anything Snowden released, blustery, "cover-our-asses" reports from intelligence officials aside?

I don't recall seeing any theorems, lemmas, axioms, or really anything resembling proving anything, mathematical or not, but I have seen a lot of blustery naïve rhetoric.

An article that showed up here a few months ago, by someone who's been through a lot of stuff like this, argued that the more blustery the C&D, and the more impressive the legal firm sending it, the more rude and dismissive you should be in response.

C-level executives were slaughtered and we were soon treated to a blustery, military-metaphor-laced "hardass" speech to rally the troops, courtesy of the new VP who was keen to let us know that business was war and we were in it to win it, etc.

I'm a little bit tired of how many blogs out there are trying to grab my attention with blustery 'ground breaking' opinions about how the iphone is actually **** or how Twitter doesn't work or how customers don't care about anything or won't pay for anything or will pay for things or how any other number of attention getting subjects that waste my time and leave me cold.

Blustery definitions


blowing in violent and abrupt bursts; "blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia"; "a cold blustery day"; "a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind"

See also: blusterous


noisily domineering; tending to browbeat others

See also: bullying