Concoct in a sentence as a verb

We can sit here and concoct all kinds of worst-case scenarios, but we could also do that with anything.

One thing his hacking did accomplish was to generate leads/dates without him having to concoct tailored messages manually.

Unfortunately, I'm at work, and don't have the disposable time to concoct such an interesting diagram...

The hitching frequently happens because adding iframes to a document is damned expensive, and requires the browser to concoct a whole new DOM per iframe.

We have various optimizations required by the language spec to shrink them down wherever we can do so while preserving semantics, and we welcome people to concoct more.

The point is not about all the ways that they can be used that would generally be considered "good" - it's not hard to concoct an example such as yours that falls into that category.

Fantastic!Let's concoct some overly optimistic growth statistics for how this will stimulate the Kenyan economy.

Whatever you feel about Google's actions, there's no need to concoct elaborate stories around and speculative theories about the origin of Google's 'don't be evil' slogan.

It is irresponsible for VentureBeat to take this underlying material and concoct a headline stating that "allegations of past and present Internet crime haunt Airbnb co-founder.

All secretly communicating through back channels to concoct schemes to extract untold profits by polluting and buying-off politicians?I don't know you so none of the following is aimed at you whatsoever.

If the administration is able to concoct and pass a set of laws that can actually systematically identify and lock down patent trolls but not companies like ARM, it would be an amazing development.

"We don't have enough information to make a good decision" is answered by "Let's concoct logical-sounding but completely unverified proxy signals to make the decision instead of collecting more information".

Concoct definitions


make a concoction (of) by mixing


prepare or cook by mixing ingredients; "concoct a strange mixture"


invent; "trump up charges"


devise or invent; "He thought up a plan to get rich quickly"; "no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software"

See also: hatch