Blase in a sentence as an adjective

Oh, it's so blase and mundane that you don't even remember?

Just because some countries may not be doing the latter doesn't mean we as users should be blase about the former.

If my dad had been fired, I really hope you wouldn't be so blase as to say "well, he's just reaping the consequences of his speech.

If you've ever gone skydiving, you'll know that once you have trust in the technology that deploys the canopy, you can get fairly blase about the exit.

"JavaScript is assembly" is, in my estimation, usually a rather blase metaphor for the idea of JavaScript as a compile target.

So, your blase claim is not wholly correct ~ they're also a fascinating element of female power within the United States and the influences of matriarchal organization "behind the scenes of power" are little known, sadly.

I deftly dodged a piece of human **** on the sidewalk on my way to work without missing a beat, how delightfully urban-sophisticate!I've never before lived in a place where violent crime, rampant substance abuse, and extreme poverty was treated in such a blase way, and often glorified as "vibrancy" and "color".

Blase definitions


very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world; "the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond'"; "the benefits of his worldly wisdom"

See also: worldly


uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence; "his blase indifference"; "a petulant blase air"; "the bored gaze of the successful film star"

See also: bored


nonchalantly unconcerned; "a blase attitude about housecleaning"