Birdsong in a sentence as a noun

And so far, there has been one guy who had birdsong mistaken for music.

Does it carry the sound of echoed footsteps, or birdsong, or traffic, or is it completely silent?

If you create an original recording of a birdsong, then you hold the copyright to that recording.

Depriving a child of music, birdsong, etc - just so that it can fit better into your society can't be considered ethical by any means.

I understand that Twitter's reception desk had birdsong that played when people tweeted, but it became cacophonous at high tweets-per-second.

Off-topic: I have a perverse desire to put some microphones up, see if there's any birdsong recognition software out there, and tweet whenever a bird in range tweets :oP

If they're accepting payment from Google for their alleged copyright interest in the birdsong, how exactly are they disbursing that money and to which "copyright holder"?

" This is called etiquette, and is a whole different kind of mating-fitness-signalling--more like birdsong than apes beating one-another up.

Cynical-me thinks perhaps this is just some viral marketing scam - with the birdsong being used on purpose since there's no legal-entity who could be said to be "the copyright holder" who could file fraud charges?Secondly, I wonder if there's some recourse available to audit Rumblefish over this?

Birdsong definitions


the characteristic sound produced by a bird; "a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age"

See also: birdcall call song