Birdcall in a sentence as a noun

If everyone replaced their ringtone with a birdcall from here, the world would be a better place.

I got to "An MIT AI PhD can generally walk alone into an investor meeting wearing a coconut-shell bra, perform a series of improvised birdcalls, and walk out with $1 million.

It's not tremendously useful, but I can imagine that this sort of compressed pattern-matching experience could teach any sort of rote memorization: periodic table, birdcalls, gross anatomy, musical chords, geography, astronomy, run-time performance of algorithms, etc.... The hard part is getting people to actually want to play your game, so that you can "trick" them into learning.

Birdcall definitions


the characteristic sound produced by a bird; "a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age"

See also: call birdsong song


a device for imitating a birdcall