Cacophonous in a sentence as an adjective

The standard way of pronouncing those is too cacophonous for me.

I wonder whether, if there were all 12 tones on the Western 12-tone scale, it be more cacophonous.

For me, the site design is a small matter after the jarringly cacophonous name.

It almost certainly woule be more cacophonous even if it was just all white notes, never mind the full scale.

Bird brain predator will likely go away in the next direction or the other birds will crowd them after hearing the cacophonous warning.

Man, I'd **** for a job that gave me a damned cubicle instead of a cacophonous open office... but sadly there are none left except for the one you just gave up.

I understand that Twitter's reception desk had birdsong that played when people tweeted, but it became cacophonous at high tweets-per-second.

This is why platforms like twitter and facebook are such cacophonous trashfires: UX "Designers" chasing "engagement", and holding no opinions.

As a thought experiment, imagine that a company offered each employee a choice - a private work area or a cacophonous open bullpen.

I've used the analogy of having a plethora televisions on in my brain, all tuned to different cacophonous channels with the volume to 11 and no clicker.

To **** with the cacophonous status quo of doing the bare minimum to trick people into giving you their attention in order to fill their head with garbage for a fraction of a penny.

Dethroning the iPhone is clearly going to be more difficult than most of the cacophonous mouthpieces realize, so my advise to them is to stop making your future self look bad, and think harder.

The Unix networking model is a cacophonous Babel of Unreliability that quadrupled the size of Unix’s famed compact kernel.

I had serious temptation to stop reading after "cacophonous conversations" - if I already know everything the author is going to say, should I waste time continuing?

Cacophonous definitions


having an unpleasant sound; "as cacophonous as a henyard"- John McCarten

See also: cacophonic