Beryllium in a sentence as a noun

As the son of an engineer who built milling machines and died from lung disease caused by inhaling beryllium dust, I agree.

You may know it better as the place Jason Nesmith's crew went looking for a beryllium sphere before Nesmith had to fight a gorignak.

Though it's difficult to put a precise date on the sudden peak in beryllium-10, it seems to have occurred around the same time as the carbon-14 spike.

With a sufficient quantity of radium and beryllium he could have done some amazing damage.

Slotin jerked his left hand upward, lifting the upper beryllium hemisphere and dropping it to the floor, ending the reaction.

Carbon-14 levels in trees from North America and Europe were elevated around that time, too. All the way in Antarctica, layers of snow and ice were laced with traces of another isotope made by cosmic rays, beryllium-10.

This man was standing at his stove, smoking, cooking up a mixture of beryllium, radium, and americium in 96% sulfuric acid.

He's contaminated his cooking area with radium and beryllium.

He admits to contaminating his stove and the surrounding area with americium, radium, and beryllium.

Only instead of using\nordinary uranium, you use enriched uranium with beryllium oxide at high temperature to make it more efficient .

Or: nuclear reactor ... only instead of using ordinary uranium, you use enriched uranium with beryllium oxide at high temperature to make it more efficient ...

Proper Noun Examples for Beryllium

Beryllium is another matter, I suppose, but it's possible that the amount of beryllium was also safe.

Beryllium definitions


a light strong brittle grey toxic bivalent metallic element

See also: glucinium