Kindly in a sentence as an adjective

Tom Pittman was someone else who did not take kindly to Gates' words.

Euthanize them in a kindly fashion, ie with laughing gas.

Do not post anything like this again, and kindly keep the douchey Maxim-magazine pastiche off this site as well.

Amazon kindly keeps 20 machines ready to do that for me and only charges the time I'm actually using them.

I see this guest blog post was kindly submitted here today after making the rounds of my Facebook friends yesterday.

Kindly in a sentence as an adverb

The story kindly submitted here is fascinating reading, and I'm glad the author did his experiment.

Especially, DeFrancis's Beginning Chinese Reader is still the royal road for learning to read Chinese, the subject of the article kindly submitted here.

The most sensible European regulations of those listed in the article kindly submitted here are"What Europe did: Banned all forms of animal protein, including chicken litter, in cow feed in 2001.

"I have to say that the proposed job interview question is interesting, and the thought process outline in the blog post kindly submitted here for evaluating answers to the question is also interesting.

Many of the interesting issues brought up by comments on the article kindly submitted here become much more clear after reading Simonsohn's various articles[4] about p values and what they mean, and other aspects of interpreting published scientific research.

Kindly definitions


showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity; "was charitable in his opinions of others"; "kindly criticism"; "a kindly act"; "sympathetic words"; "a large-hearted mentor"

See also: charitable benevolent sympathetic good-hearted openhearted large-hearted


pleasant and agreeable; "a kindly climate"; "kindly breeze"


in a kind manner or out of kindness; "He spoke kindly to the boy"; "she kindly overlooked the mistake"