Belligerency in a sentence as a noun

Not every culture values brash thuggish belligerency as a social good. Most counties are trying to work collaboratively and collectively on these things.

Though I don't think bilateral trade belligerency helps or individual action in the west. Developing countries are looking to the China model because it looks like it works - conflating the good and the bad with necessary and sufficient.

Sorry, I don't value your response with brash thuggish belligerency as a social good. I think it's actually destructive and creates a hostile dysfunctional unhappy society of depressed people who turn to pain medicine and isolation because they can no longer turn to their neighbor.

Britain's continued belligerency and the escalating American efforts to aid Britain without formally joining the war were necessary parts of joining the two wars into one. Speaking of which, it also shouldn't be underestimated how deftly Churchill was able to convince the Americans--who had just been attacked by the Japanese, not the Germans--that Germany, rather than Japan, should be their first war priority.

Belligerency definitions


hostile or warlike attitude or nature

See also: belligerence


fighting; acts of overt warfare; "the outbreak of hostilities"

See also: hostilities