Bilateral in a sentence as an adjective

Yes, but a lot of those have strong bilateral ties to the EU.

The bilateral matching problem only gets worse as you move up the skill curve.

Switzerland has a ton of bilateral agreements, so this law should be expected there as well.

This could be buried in some kind of educational or bilateral trade agreement or something.

The problem is a bilateral and cataclysmic distrust between both sides.

We find strong evidence for the contrasting effects of bilateral and multilateral trade.

Of course, the USA tries to "force" its bilateral and multilateral trade relations with new clauses requiring higher intellectual property standards.

> The content isn't interesting[1] because bilateral free trade agreements are public[0]That's like saying that weather forecasts aren't interestings because the weather is public.

They're responding to the collapse of the bilateral social contract between companies and career employees that was said to have traditionally existed, in their parents' generation and so on.

A key insight from the paper is that neither bilateral nor multilateral reputation mechanisms can support the incentives of a ruler to protect foreign merchants as trade reaches an efficient level.

Advancing bilateral trade—and encouraging eventual Taiwanese accession to the Trans-Pacific Partnership—would help quiet nerves on all sides of Taiwanese politics.

Originally, these privileges and immunities were granted on a bilateral, ad hoc basis, which led to misunderstandings and conflict, pressure on weaker states, and an inability for other states to judge which party was at fault.

How about every european country refusing to speak with president Obama because there has been "not enough recent progress in our bilateral agenda" citing lack of proof that US gov. has indeed stopped all kind of wire tapping on our communications...

It is\n not transactional, an agreement between a listener or a\n spy or a peephole keeper and the person being spied on.\n\n If you accept this supposedly bilateral offer, to provide\n email service for you for free as long as it can all be \n read, then everybody who corresponds with you has been \n subjected to the bargain, which was supposedly bilateral\n in nature.

You must \n show that those caps are not going readily to be lifted in \n the exhilarating process, the game, of trading.\n\n But with respect to privacy we have been allowed to fool \n ourselves—or rather, we have allowed our lawyers to fool \n themselves and them to fool everybody else—into the \n conclusion that what is actually a subject of \n environmental regulation is a mere matter of bilateral \n bargaining.

Bilateral definitions


having identical parts on each side of an axis

See also: isobilateral


affecting or undertaken by two parties; "a bilateral agreement between the United States and Japan"


having two sides or parts

See also: two-sided