Belligerence in a sentence as a noun

It's their belligerence-- that they keep taking more each year-- that gives cause to **** them.

It's not belligerence on our part to attempt to maintain order.

I try reserve the unprovoked belligerence for Plan B, but I guess I'm just classy like that.

The belligerence of the state doesn't hold a candle to the belligerence of unfettered individuals.

Most will quickly realize that constructiveness instead of belligerence is getting them the attention and respect they seek.

You also asked where the perceived belligerence in my last reply to you came from; implying that I'm complaining that I couldn't get a free lunch is where it came from.

It wasn't me who showed "belligerence".That first shot even tried open-washing, lamely, and it tellingly put Mozilla in the subordinate position.

Islam demonstrates a radically staunch level of belligerence for a religion.

His eyes fell on the groups of other officers gazing at him in mute appeal, and, with righteous belligerence, he roared:Give everybody eat!Give everybody eat!

So I wonder, if he has been banned from revealing that he has handed over the key, does revoking it count as such a revelation?At this point, the authorities have Streisand'ed their own case - anybody they were interested in would have stopped using Lavabit months ago. So they seem to be pursuing it out of pure belligerence at this point.

I agree in general with what you write here, with a big caveat: Korea is at the cross-roads between China and Japan, and throughout their history have been the battlefield between those two. Most recently, Korea suffered under a long and incredibly oppressive Japanese occupation up to the end of WW2. While Koreans are militarily ahem enthusiastic, it's not that Korea is the crazy man of Asia, prone to belligerence and expansionism.

I was only reminding you of the guidelines since belligerence wins over nobody and makes HN a less pleasant place to be.>good luck with your suggestion of 1 hr of cardio/day to people new to fitness... lmk how that pans out!Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were asking in earnest... can only assume you're referring to what I shared earlier on HN—pretty much everyone who joined my high school swim team team made tremendous improvements in their fitness levels.

Adria, and arguably dongle-joke-guy, made some mistakes, and the use of this incident to third parties like myself is to take a moment to contemplate how to avoid making similar mistakes.-------------------Some choice snippets from her statement:"I have always tried to conduct myself in a way that builds bridges for everyone"Almost no one can honestly claim this, and we've seen plenty of comments in the past weeks which, if true, show that Adria is no paragon of virtue, including a few from activist feminist women in tech who feel that Adria's high-profile unreasonable belligerence has repeatedly damaged the cause of equality.

Belligerence definitions


hostile or warlike attitude or nature

See also: belligerency


a natural disposition to be hostile

See also: aggressiveness pugnacity