Banging in a sentence as a noun

Who drives their car around banging into the guard rails!?

I really want to know who thought `var-` prefix was a banging idea.

I like that a lot, probably because I grew up banging hardware.

I remember clearly banging my head against them and screaming in rage and frustration at those goddamn limits.

6am one morning, I was jolted awake by the loudest scariest banging noise I've ever heard, it felt like someone was punching me in the heart.

We're still banging rocks together and amazed when occasionally there is a spark?Look, Ruby and Python -- their implementations just plain suck.

"A: "Wait... did you just tell me to go spend thirty hours banging my head against solid objects, in exchange for nebulous benefits that I can't even perceive yet?

Banging in a sentence as an adjective

"Great advice to those of us building companies, along the lines of the "do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life" quote banging around here recently

It's a matter of "I don't want to spend my time working in Windows and dealing with all of the headaches and banging my head against a wall with the differing OS paradigms.

I was banging my head, trying to learn the fundamentals of parsing languages, spending my hours diving into wikipedia articles and learning lex and yacc.

At that point I was over the learning curve, so I wrote it as fast, or possibly faster than I would have written the equivilant in perl, banging out a 800 lines of code in 12 hours or so.

This is no longer true as most traders are now staying out of the market due to the HFTs new strategy - sending floods of orders in an effort to trigger huge price swings just before the data gets released, also known as banging the beehive.

They've already proven that they are rather uniquely capable in banging out rockets and spacecraft that work at a tremendously low cost, but 2013 will prove their operational mettle, especially for commercial launches.

The way we started doing this was with Feynman diagrams... these diagrams tend to look like you have some particles banging off of some other particles, and they behave a little that way, but they're actually a notation for integrals in a series that you have to sum over.

Banging definitions


a continuing very loud noise


the act of subjecting to strong attack

See also: battering


(used informally) very large; "a thumping loss"

See also: humongous thumping whopping walloping