Battering in a sentence as a noun

A cop might say "well of course we have battering rams for breaking down locked doors.

Agreed, parent post is battering a strawman, with no bearing on the article at all.

The battering ram isn't really the right analogy.

Scanning through the comments here, in the media, and lots of tech blogs, google+ is taking a bit of a battering.

In this case of the toddler, the police are at least claiming that they used a battering ram on the door and it did not work.

We've built a battering ram of a business in just a few short years that has pummeled its way deep into the heart of Wall Street.

There are some states where over half of police searches are done by tactical squads bursting in behind a battering ram.

I would much rather spend my time bringing the shy up than battering the arrogant down to something reasonable.

Awtry was hosting a poker tournament in his Greenville, South Carolina, home when police began breaking down the door with a battering ram.

This was the first time the targets of a raid were able to see that there were, in fact, right now, 12 cops standing just feet from the windows, and 5 approaching the front door carrying machine-guns and about to bash in the door with a battering-ram in 7...6...5...4...

Too many crappy Zynga games, an increasinly cluttered interface, questionable privacy compromises, a constant battering of status minutia updates and/or some catastrophic privacy event might drive people to begin migration to a new service.

Battering definitions


the act of subjecting to strong attack

See also: banging