Baldness in a sentence as a noun

So yeah, baldness research is going to happen.

If I'm a white male is it ok to joke about my baldness? My religion?

I think "cure baldness and cancer" would also fit right in there somewhere.

By the 24th century they will have cured baldness. Roddenberry's responded that, by the 24th century, no one will care.

"do we still have people taking arsenic en masse to cure baldness? No." Yeah, we have things called "clinical trials" that pretty much put an end to the bad old days of patent medicine.

Sure, it would be great to have other qualities to compensate for this, but since I don't it apparently comes down to hair over baldness.

Explore your genetic traits for everything from lactose intolerance to male pattern baldness. This is right there on their website.

Over the last year of transactions, customer's head has been exhibiting signs of male pattern baldness. Send them targeted coupons for hats to see if they think its something they need to cover up.

No, not at all, until they want to screen a suspect list for anyone with a history of limping, say, or baldness, or some other damn fool thing. Better question: is fraud detection and reporting really worth leaking your personal data to the .

> I guarantee you that more people want to cure baldness than malaria. You are so very, very wrong. More rich people want to cure baldness than malaria, because pretty much all rich countries are in climates where malaria can't thrive.

I feel that Gate's comment about curing baldness is a testament to the efficacy of the marketplace. Markets only represent what the people want, and I guarantee you that more people want to cure baldness than malaria.

Yes, if given a choice of spending someone else's money on research to cure either malaria or baldness, they would pick malaria. However, it seems your step-father has already made the decision about how to best spend his own money.

An actual cure for baldness is found 4. A preventative therapeutic regimen for treating obesity at a genetic level is discovered 5.

So yeah, baldness needs a cure. It's debatable whether it's an illness, however there are some findings that suggest the underlying condition not only affects follicle cells but also prostate tissue, leading to a higher chance of developing cancer.

It's a grey world out there and while it's much easier to get clicks with "male baldness gets more funding than malaria so capitalism doesn't work", it's not really very helpful in actually fixing things.

Whether you notice your combover on the day you lose your first three hairs, or ten years too late, the solutions are the same and are pretty simple: Get a better haircut that doesn't try to hide your baldness, shave yourself bald and embrace the baldness, or buy a hairpiece. This is quite unlike the way software works -- most of real life is quite unlike the way software works; that's why programmers always feel misunderstood -- so the metaphor just breaks here.

Map00190+C00003 † I say "lifestyle drug" here to denote elective treatment, although the effects of natural aging and death dying probably do not fit in the technical definition, which is to treat "non-life threatening and non-painful conditions such as baldness, impotence, wrinkles, erectile dysfunction, or acne"

Quote Examples using Baldness

Women find baldness as unhealthy, not necessarily in a rational manner, but unconsciously. So maybe you should try shaving bald and getting a bad boy look with a goatee. Women who dig that look will like you. There's a market of women that like that look on a man. Trying to look good through other methods will help too, like going to the gym, and dressing well. Women associate strong bodies with health, and dressing well with success and self-confidence. And don't act like this is affecting you, especially if you'll shave. Act like you did it because it makes you look very good, and others around you will start believing it, too. If you look at that Picard picture above, you can see that he acts as if baldness looks good on him, and his self-confidence is showing, which is attractive to women.


Baldness definitions


the condition of having no hair on the top of the head

See also: phalacrosis