Contaminate in a sentence as a verb

There's going to be a constant fear that GPL code could "contaminate" non-GPL code.

What do you want, for the bad old pre-startup ways to contaminate things and spoil the party?

There's also the issue of the water table and figuring out where to build it such that it doesn't contaminate the groundwater.

According to the Environment Agency it could cost £100m to clean up the site in south Wales, called "one of the most contaminated" in the UK.

Most electronic parts can be used as building blocks for whatever project you want without worrying whether one part will "contaminate" the others or "infect" the project.

If someone on Mars manages to, say, contaminate the colony's water supply, all we can do is record farewell messages for loved ones and deal with the bad publicity for decades.

> If someone on Mars manages to, say, contaminate the colony's water supply, all we can do is record farewell messages for loved ones and deal with the bad publicity for decades.

You promise yourself to keep them safely contained, but its hard to do in the real world and once they spill, they contaminate everything around them, making the ground uninhabitable for 20 odd years.

Government officials did something my family never would have done- they allowed products to contaminate the Trinity River for more than a month without taking corrective action.

Almost every translation of indian philosophy suffers from this fetish for the sanskrit language and as beautiful as sanskrit is, it shouldn't contaminate the purpose of a translation.

And thus, would have even easier ways to display arbitrary malicious URLs/content?Or is the mention of password resets an indicator that an attacker, in their own separate connection, can contaminate an email sent to other users with bad URLs?

Contaminate definitions


make impure; "The industrial wastes polluted the lake"

See also: pollute foul


make radioactive by adding radioactive material; "Don't drink the water--it's contaminated"