Armoire in a sentence as a noun

You can look for an armoire style desk.

Houses have large closets now, no need for an armoire.

Don't forget those fun armoired trucks that have to cart it from place to place.

Looked like a fabric armoire with a box fan underneath.

That, or might get a nice armoire or wardrobe to expand my storage near the kitchen with.

This furniture maker then produces an armoire that he sells to a rich person for $7000.

A first woodworking project should be something like a cutting board, not an armoire, for instance.

I think one benefit of a drop-leaf desk is you can get them with legs so there is more leg room than you might get with an armoire.

My parents ordered an armoire from Wayfair that must have been dropped badly in shipping, the side was extremely bowed out.

Two chairs, two desks built into the wall, two built in sets of drawers, and two armoires were the rest if the room besides the two twin beds.

My recollection is that it did come with room for a printer, so I think that's entirely possible to find in an armoire desk.

You could get a normal sized dresser and armoire down the hall, but couldn't quite turn objects of that size enough to get through two of the bedroom doors.

Compare that to the armoire I payed an *** load of money for that will surely last a lifetime, but doesn't really fit anywhere in my current home.

People don't want to put huge amounts of effort into a transient experience that gets them from A to B. Now shopping for that antique armoire, of course.> Uber drivers fail the IRS's 20 point test spectacularlyInterestingly removing drivers for bad ratings and customer complaints were reasons they gave for failing the IRS test, so I guess no one will ever be satisfied.

From sibling comment:In continental Europe, where armoires are a thing, I actually can’t remember living in any home that had a closet in any room with a bed, so I can’t see closet being in the definition of bedroom.

Armoire definitions


a large wardrobe or cabinet; originally used for storing weapons