Quell in a sentence as a verb

Wouldn't that just result in another witch hunt like the one PG is trying to quell with this piece?

I think you're partly right, but I also suspect they may have been downvoted to quell any "piling on".

I didn't have enough motivation for success to quell the feeling.

They build half-features that ultimately aren't that useful, but are enough to quell the angry masses.

This doesn't stop iOS from doing what it's doing, but should quell fears that random apps are just logging all kinds of user data and sending it to who knows where.

In order to keep the E10+ rating and in order to quell any outrage, the designers used robots that are not even vaguely human in shape aside from the fact that they are bipedal.

Capping at 12 would mean that both parties arguing might get the same public presentation of 00FF00 and that might quell the need for parties to prove that they're the winner of the argument by popular vote.

It was about 'the population has an endemic drug problem leading to widespread ennui and HIV/****, and even some of the harshest drug laws in Europe are doing absolutely nil to quell it.

The one thing that would silence critics and quell fears would be that something twice as revolutionary as the original iPhone be straight up imagined, developed, and hoisted by the post-Jobs Apple--just to claim par.

In fact, he's updated his post to reflect this kind of comment:"Updated: to quell the comments, I did not choose the title to imply downloading tracking software is hacking, I am a hacker by profession and have been all my life.

With all the disclosures and absolute failures of security and operations that we've seen coming out of the Bitcoin field, can we start to quell the attitude that the Bitcoin market as it stands today is a real currency market?

The establishment has been very good at mixing pragmatism with the usual imposition and violence, allowing enough reform to quell dissent and retreating from untenable positions.

You are mind-bogglingly tenacious in trying to quell the outrage over civil liberties abuses and apparently go as far as selectively forgetting relevant information.

I was hoping the physical toll it would have on me would quell the stirrings of my subconscious like some sort of sick penance, so should the thought of eating meat ever reoccur I could be satisfied that at least I had tried…Only two weeks into my plant-based diet I felt that same feeling as when you first put on your glasses and everything around you becomes less hazy.

Quell definitions


suppress or crush completely; "squelch any sign of dissent"; "quench a rebellion"

See also: squelch quench


overcome or allay; "quell my hunger"

See also: stay appease