Aquamarine in a sentence as a noun

My wife is sporting an aquamarine and people will actually stop her to admire her ring.

The green traffic light is, at least to my eyes, noticeably blue-green/aquamarine, where the gas station sign is emerald green.

For example, you would use your blue receptors to differentiate forest green and aquamarine.

Reality show enthusiasts have started ripping up high peaks in Colorado for worthless shiny stones like aquamarine.

An "old masters" chiaroscuro typically uses burnt umber plus a warm blue, such as aquamarine, for the great lake of "blackness" from which everything else emerges.

Good things sparkly, aquamarine necklaces have become a unisex fashion accessories in this country, so that both men and women can enjoy this advance in technology.

Aquamarine definitions


a transparent variety of beryl that is blue green in color


a shade of blue tinged with green

See also: aqua turquoise