Aqua in a sentence as a noun

However, brilliant turquoise and aqua colors won't show up on your monitor.

How OSX kick-started the style of graphic design that is still in-trend, with aqua? How ugly consumer devices generally were?

To be fair, if they were tech savvy they would probably work as freelancers or at a computer store instead of stealing aqua imacs.

The question is why everyone has light-black Helvetica Neue text on grey and white backgrounds with blue accents, with aqua-blue gradient pill buttons everywhere.

Someone broke into the office of a consulting shop I was working for, passing up dozens of macbook pros and who knows what else for an old-school translucent aqua imac and a $100 Walmart bike.

The colourful buttons, with their cheesy 2006 aqua reflection; near invisibly thin highlighting of the current section; too many colours not inline with Apple's increasingly monochrome designs; the reflective posters from the same era etc. .

Aqua definitions


a shade of blue tinged with green

See also: aquamarine turquoise