Apparition in a sentence as a noun

The cart and buggy businesses to go under after the apparition of the car?It's just change.

And of course with digital, you could have the actual image itself change, and not just the viewing apparition.

We great apes are a strange apparition in the cosmos, capable of glimpsing the absurdity of our own existence.

Like Somerset Maugham she doesnt wait for inspiration she acts in anticipation of its apparition.

Huh, interesting the uptake by Catholics was greatly due to a Marian apparition in the town of Fatima, Portugal.

I think you underestimate the benefit of collaboration, which would hinder the apparition of "sheep-eating sheeps".

The simplistic notion that an apparition appeared before him or in his mind to provide him with these incredible insights does not hold to a scientifically-inclined mind.

As a consequence this lead to the apparition of many game engine/frameworks/libraries just like the last few years have seen an explosion of "generalist" JS frameworks/libraries.

Some sort of advanced display technology causing the apparition provides the exact same explainability, and would require no changes to our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics.

A girl was sitting on a blanket eating something, so I kicked myself high into the air and glided down to first show her that I could warp the laws of physics, then I whispered in her ear that it was just a dream and she was an apparition.

Its apparition will live on in the memories of original users, their profiles as tombstones representing an age — however brief — where three great things: the internet, travel and the human spirit combined to create an enviable community accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

It's all and well theorizing about evolution this genetics that, but if you don't have a mechanism, or even a putative explanation with actual genes involved and the evolutionary pressure behind them, don't expect to be taken seriously bt evolutionary biologists.-The paper makes the assumption that a gap exists between the apparition of language and that of elaborate constructions, as opposed to us just not knowing more about it.

Apparition definitions


a ghostly appearing figure; "we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us"

See also: phantom phantasm phantasma fantasm specter spectre


the appearance of a ghostlike figure; "I was recalled to the present by the apparition of a frightening specter"


something existing in perception only; "a ghostly apparition at midnight"

See also: phantom phantasm phantasma fantasm shadow


an act of appearing or becoming visible unexpectedly; "natives were amazed at the apparition of this white stranger"