Shadow in a sentence as a noun

The window drop shadows on OS X are probably just a touch too strong for my taste.

Are we're all so afraid of our own shadow that heroes at the FDA need to protect us?

"Are we're all so afraid of our own shadow that heroes at the FDA need to protect us?

Example: This lamp post is 30 feet tall and casts a 50 foot shadow -- What is the hypotenuse?

If my comment is "too reddit" or if I am incorrect in what I write I could be shadow banned.

I'm certain FB has a shadow profile for me today and there's nothing I can do about it.

"Note that Doom 3's famous shadow renderer is based on technology patented by Creative Labs.

The retina in your eyeball does some image processing to minimize the effect of light and shadow.

Shadow in a sentence as a verb

And, what I've observed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that people who favor fruits and vegetables, grains and legumes over beef, pork and fatty foods are healthier.

Goffman argues that the system encourages young men to act shady—"I got to move like a shadow," one of Mike's friends told her—because a stable public routine could land them back behind bars.> Take work.

Many people were complaining "but he's only showing how to make these characters and objects", that the author didn't explain why the circles go where they should and what a proper shadow should look like.

My gut is that two parallel economies is an unstable situation, and the shadow-economy would not receive must traction compared to the legitimized one.

I'll say the same thing now as I said last time these guys released a video: I'll believe it when I see them make a single blade of grass move, or when they place a single dynamic light source and cast a single dynamic shadow.

I dont think its fair to cast a shadow over the awesome people I have had the opportunity to work with over the last 12 years in this field simply because someone wants to get some press at the expense of others.... now back to coding ...

This game does shadowing relatively correctly, where the sprites cast shadows directly on the background layer at a position that scrolls with the layer - so as the sprite advances down the screen, the relative position of the shadow changes.

The main reason for this is relatively obvious if you spend a few moments examining the gameplay footage: The sprites all have a simple traditional 2D drop shadow, where the size of the shadow is the same as the size of the sprite and it's offset by a few pixels.

Shadow definitions


shade within clear boundaries


an unilluminated area; "he moved off into the darkness"

See also: darkness dark


something existing in perception only; "a ghostly apparition at midnight"

See also: apparition phantom phantasm phantasma fantasm


a premonition of something adverse; "a shadow over his happiness"


an indication that something has been present; "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim"; "a tincture of condescension"

See also: trace vestige tincture


refuge from danger or observation; "he felt secure in his father's shadow"


a dominating and pervasive presence; "he received little recognition working in the shadow of his father"


a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements

See also: tail shadower


an inseparable companion; "the poor child was his mother's shadow"


follow, usually without the person's knowledge; "The police are shadowing her"


cast a shadow over

See also: shade


make appear small by comparison; "This year's debt dwarfs that of last year"

See also: overshadow dwarf