Anti-intellectual in a sentence as a noun

I really don't like the anti-intellectual tone of the beginning.

Acting as the PC Police doesn't make you a better person; it makes you silly and anti-intellectual.

-- Lisa Paul This quote led me to think that students who use this service are anti-intellectual lazy cheaters with tight fists.

It's anti-intellectual ******** with many words and zero points.

The random anti-intellectual comments from the guys in the wheely chairs were extremely annoying and unfunny.

One thing I absolutely despise about the phrase "anti-intellectual" is the ambiguity about what it means.

I know I'm going to come across as un-romantic or anti-intellectual, but I don't like the "literary" writing style this seeks to emulate.

The idea that software is an extremely anti-intellectual industry is remarkably out of touch.

Anti-intellectual in a sentence as an adjective

Our mass media has an extremely regressive, anti-intellectual, pro-status quo bent.

I'm in the Yegge school, so far as I think that the mathematical ignorance and, more generally, anti-intellectualism of our industry is its downfall.

We wouldn't let anyone else get away with this excuse, so why should intellectuals be treated as a privileged class?To be anti-intellectual is to judge intellectuals more harshly than they deserve.

Nit: I know we like to be all anti-intellectual here at HN, but Rachel's claim that "having a PhD" correlates strongly with "lacking the ability for independence of thought or action" is pretty ridiculous.

I don't think he's making any policy suggestions so much as he's fighting the mindset a lot of people have: the anti-intellectual stance that scientists are a bunch of ivory tower elites that have no real impact on society.

In a world whose bias is generally pro-intellectual, it's easy for a neutral assessment to seem relatively anti-intellectual, but perhaps what you are perceiving is not an exceptional bias but the absence of a systemic bias which you've grown used to.

I think this essay's definition of anti-intellectualism is incoherent -- must I disrespect knowledge itself, disrespect all education beyond grade school, disrespect War and Peace, or merely disrespect Nicholas Carr, in order to be labeled an anti-intellectual?

Anti-intellectual definitions


a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits

See also: philistine lowbrow


smug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values

See also: philistine