Despise in a sentence as a verb

Mostly it was cheap consumer goods - the kind I despise and that is slowly killing our planet.

He knows that neighbors despise what he's doing, but he doesn't see any reason for us to have hotel regulations.

...Obama has a propsal to tax entrepreneurs?Rant time: I despise what political discourse in this country has become.

I've talked with engineers who despise legal proceedings so much they started trolling the lawyers in depositions.

There are a range of opinions so I don't want to overgeneralize but there are a large number of people here that seem to almost despise Stallman and the FSF.

Gates would have exactly the same problem if he tried to sell all that microsoft stock to buy turnips; he could destroy billions of dollars of wealth just as easily as the people you so despise.

A journalistic and literary trope I increasingly despise: creating an elaborate and evocative metaphorical description of something without naming what it actually is, often with the side-effect of making a rather mundane technicality sound all gee-wiz and confusing rather than enlightening the reader.

Despise definitions


look down on with disdain; "He despises the people he has to work for"; "The professor scorns the students who don't catch on immediately"

See also: contemn scorn disdain