Philistine in a sentence as a noun

That's what makes him a philistine, after all.

I do spend a lot of time reading hex, but I'm probably a numeric philistine.

I'm outing myself as a philistine here, but how do you pronounce Kashi, if it doesn't rhyme with flashy?

[1] Yes, I'm aware that, in some people's eyes, this makes me the worst kind of philistine, but I'm a music fan, not an audiophile.

However, my inner philistine says that it is the Official Scrabble Dictionary that is the dictionary of choice.

The hacker culture and desperation of industry for coders has produced an ignorance, disinterest, and almost philistine disdain for the architectural skillsets.

Philistine in a sentence as an adjective

Perhaps I'm a philistine about types but I've never found that model particularly expressive.\nMy late friend Alain Fournier once told me that he considered the lowest form of academic work to be taxonomy.

Yet we see far less experimentation there then we do with functional programming languages, and I think that's because functional languages are perceived as cool and smart but IDEs are associated with the philistine class of programmers.

And what can be better for dissonance reduction than someone telling you that you have good taste, and anyone who buys the competition is a philistine?I should point out that this does not impute anything to the quality of the products themselves.

[1] A philistine person is the man or woman who is smugly narrow of mind and of conventional morality whose materialistic views and tastes indicate a lack of and indifference to cultural and sthetic values.

From Wikipedia: "philistinism describes the social attitude of anti-intellectualism that undervalues and despises art, beauty, spirituality, and intellect; the manners, habits, and character, or mode of thinking of a philistine.

I had assumed that the pun would excuse the sexist connotations of upskirt, that it would be an amusing bait-and-switch manoeuvre, that the author wanted to be able to say, "Hey, you thought I was being misogynistic, but in fact the error was yours when you failed to recognise my magnificently subtle wordplay, you philistine!

Philistine definitions


a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits

See also: anti-intellectual lowbrow


a member of an Aegean people who settled ancient Philistia around the 12th century BC

See also: Philistine


of or relating to ancient Philistia or its culture or its people

See also: Philistine


smug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values

See also: anti-intellectual