Agriculture in a sentence as a noun

Well, no. More than 90 percent of the water used by humans is used by agriculture and industry.

I still try to help my parents as much as I can, but 10 years later they still rely mostly on subsistence agriculture.

You also weren't meant to read, work on computers, drive cars, fly, or even practice agriculture.

For their medicine, agriculture, and construction programs, they made sure to bring in only qualified people.

It's no different, in the grand scheme of things, than petrochemical refining or agriculture.

This is a monumental event on the scale of the invention of agriculture, it is a turning point in human civilization.

One of the big complaints about GMO plants is that the first generation were designed to meet the needs of industrial agriculture rather than consumers.

As agriculture labor shifted to much cheaper migrant workers and automation, the people who used to live in these places year round either became less affluent, or moved away.

All the really energy intensive processes that support their way of life - agriculture, manufacturing of goods - those are happening elsewhere.

It's about how little consumers know about how popular and - in the case of orange juice - seemingly straightforward foods are produced and the repercussions for agriculture.

"Q: But the agriculture sector is different, because antibiotics have been used there for a long time with an eye toward improving the growth of the animals, really for food purposes, to make them bigger and fatter with less food.

In particular, recent discoveries suggest that the adoption of agriculture, supposedly our most decisive step toward a better life, was in many ways a catastrophe from which we have never recovered.

"Science, astronomy, biology and archaeology -- all advanced culture -- cannot happen without the critical mass of population provided by cities, fed by agriculture.

"A: Certainly the CDC believes quite firmly, and I think there are a number of veterinary experts here and in other places who agree with the stance that we should never be using antibiotics in agriculture or in people for any other purpose than to treat infections.

There are also less known changes with deep impact: the introduction of municipal garbage service cleaned up our cities and improved health, the vertical filing system revolutionized data management, Linotype made it possible to have newspapers more than 8 pages long, the tractor, artificial fertilizer, and a mass of farm inventions opened up agriculture.

Agriculture definitions


a large-scale farming enterprise

See also: agribusiness


the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock

See also: farming husbandry


the federal department that administers programs that provide services to farmers (including research and soil conservation and efforts to stabilize the farming economy); created in 1862

See also: Agriculture USDA


the class of people engaged in growing food