Agribusiness in a sentence as a noun

The next layer up in the agribusiness chain can control pricing and have all of the power.

"too many liberal arts degrees and too few agribusiness BAs", indeed.

Pro-meat groups, known as the agribusiness, grocery, and foodservice industries, torture and **** animals and flaunt the carcasses to the public. So there is that.

Honestly reeks of agribusiness lobbying. Seeds are a fundamental requirment for human existence and should be free to sell, save, use, give away.

It's a classic agribusiness gold rush, where for some reason the growers are unable to restrain themselves from overproducing a single crop. Almond prices actually peaked in 2005.

After all, you are directly giving money to a supermarket, which is giving it to a big agribusiness, which either is Monsanto or is a customer of Monsanto. All these evil things that Monsanto does?

Is just a proxy for large banking interests, the military industrial complex, pharmaceuticals, large agribusiness etc. So no the govt.

I'm also curious just how low the price per pound for "BC bud" quality could go, if it were totally licit and you had serious agribusiness stepping up. $440/pound quoted in the article is a bit below the Humboldt price for outdoor of decent quality, at least in relatively small quantities, but if it got grown like lettuce, it should be even cheaper than that.

Some smaller organic producers do produce some tastier fruits/vegetables as a side effect, mostly because they don't pick them as early, but the larger organic producers use the same pick-unripe practices as regular agribusiness does, and more or less all of them use the same high-yield, watery cultivars. I would personally be happy with something in between on cultivars.

In fact, most programs are price subsidies, so the more you produce, the more you benefit, and as a result most of the subsidies go to the largest producers-- we actually subsidize agribusiness over family farmers, relatively speaking. Further, the value of the subsidies gets capitalized into the land and makes it impossible for young farmers to get started in the business.

It's more about the middle east than Latin America, but I think it applies: "Poppy cultivation had become an agribusiness and the dealers for the Afghan drug barons now had technical advisers who were visiting Nangarhar to advise on the crop and the product, paying in advance, and so concerned about the health of their workers that they had given them face-masks to wear in the opium factories. Some said they even offered health insurance.

Of course, you can also contract antibiotic-resistant pathogens through contact with raw meatas, for example, more than 100 people did when the agribusiness giant Cargill sent out tens of millions of pounds of ground turkey tainted with antibiotic-resistant salmonella in 2011.

I think a lot of other factors that have changed in the past 60 years might factor in, including a misguided government/agribusiness lead food pyramid that is way out of balance with our pre-civilization diets, as well as the introduction of highly processed and sweetened food that for many of us forms the majority of our diets.

It's about supporting local economies, safety and jobs for field workers, a reaction to the decline of rural culture and the rise of agribusiness, getting more fruits and vegetables and less corn byproducts into children, etc. It's also a movement with a long history and lots of different players pushing different agendas, co-opting a single word to relay their message.

Agribusiness definitions


a large-scale farming enterprise

See also: agriculture