Exacerbation in a sentence as a noun

The world that it projects seems more like an extrapolation or exacerbation of ours than an alternative to it.

If so, will the natural causes that reduced CO2 concentrations from 300ppm overcome that exacerbation?

Enjoy exponential exacerbation of income disparity so you can keep your BigMac at a "stable" price.

This is why antidepressnts become less effective and require stronger doses, and why their sudden withdrawal leads to the massive exacerbation of symptoms.

My genetic markers for gluten were negative, but I do have IBD, and consuming any gluten at all usually causes a marked exacerbation of my symptoms.

This would be such an evil way to introduce UBI: manufacturing a problem and then “fixing” it.—The inequality exacerbation is not a consequence of our economy.

There's a study [1] linking allergies and asthma with pollution.> Strong epidemiological evidence supports a relationship between air pollution and the exacerbation of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Exacerbation definitions


action that makes a problem or a disease (or its symptoms) worse; "the aggravation of her condition resulted from lack of care"

See also: aggravation


violent and bitter exasperation; "his foolishness was followed by an exacerbation of their quarrel"