Adolescent in a sentence as a noun

The immature/adolescent way to see it is: "Man, you are going to make $625K!".

The "snitch" concept is not just adolescent, but harmful.

An adolescent doesn't want to grow, its pleasures are vain, its world secluded.

I think that this trend, at least in part, has been influenced by a change in the way that we treat adolescent crime.

It would cut away a lot of teenage adolescent ********, and a lot of midlife ********.

Now Paxil is not allowed to be prescribed for adolescents and children but my brother will die in prison.

My little brother was prescribed Paxil as an adolescent.

And that a possible cause of this in geek culture specifically is latent adolescent anger at women.

We tried the adolescent libertarian fantasy of letting the "free market" drive things like medical training and licensure back in the early days of the 20th century.

Adolescent in a sentence as an adjective

Here[1] is a very recent study from Austrialia which concludes CT scans during childhood and adolescent increase the risk of cancer and should be avoided where possible.

Of course, there's the same phenomenon within the commenters community, where insightful comments are buried amongst puns and prejudice and adolescent jokes that get upvoted much quicker.

So in that case it's only the men amongst themselves making these adolescent-type comments, and that in turn would make women uncomfortable because all of a sudden they have to deal with nasty group dynamics.

The backstory that you change won't affect the plot any more than picking a "race" in those "unimpressive old games".I opened this hoping for something insightful, but was presented with an adolescent boy's wonder of a story written in a shiny medium.

When people really, really swallow the Kool-Aid of management as the ultimate masters of the universe, as they must in certain large corporations, they start to think of management as the final step in human development: infant, child, adolescent, worker, manager.

Because of the overwhelming male presence, it is difficult to make a comfortable learning environment for the female students, who may often feel uncomfortable, at odds with, or ostracized by pseudo-masculine efforts undertaken by adolescent males.

From the abstract of the actual study:- "Cool" => "Pseudomature behavior—ranging from minor delinquency to precocious romantic involvement"- "Lose" => "Early adolescent pseudomature behavior predicted long-term difficulties in close relationships, as well as significant problems with alcohol and substance use, and elevated levels of criminal behavior.

""I'm going to talk in a post-adolescent semi-deep but monotonous tone for 11 minutes to talk about how Racist Google Is".I really want to buy this yuppie, preppie child a ticket to anywhere in America that isn't Google or Haaaaaarvard and let him see what its like to grow up on food stamps and welfare in the deep south, or better yet just drop him off anywhere that isn't a modern country.

Adolescent definitions


a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity

See also: stripling teenager teen


relating to or peculiar to or suggestive of an adolescent; "adolescent problems"


being of the age 13 through 19; "teenage mothers"; "the teen years"

See also: teen teenage teenaged


displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; "adolescent insecurity"; "jejune responses to our problems"; "their behavior was juvenile"; "puerile jokes"

See also: jejune juvenile puerile


in the state of development between puberty and maturity; "adolescent boys and girls"