Juvenile in a sentence as a noun

Just being offensive is juvenile humor, and isn't all that funny.

Stay tuned if you can only hold one simplistic juvenile idea in your head at a time.

The level of snark and juvenile responses in this thread is amazing.

What's the next juvenile comment that ends someone's job with a publicly posted picture?

It's a juvenile notion and it's still being argued in my country passionately and we're going down the tubes.

" It may sound juvenile, and it goes against the rosy, feel-good "Never give up" pep talks that we're used to and almost expect to hear.

Selling my dad's car was the last straw and we sent him to a juvenile detention/rehab/detox center to recover.

"That said, dissociating yourself with gamers because many of them have a juvenile sense of humor is kind of silly.

Juvenile in a sentence as an adjective

Unless, of course, that the employee input happens to be about how ridiculous and juvenile the whole exercise is.

He was in his 20s and was profoundly ignorant and juvenile in his behavior, at a level one would expect from a middle schooler.

"When you get into the juvenile justice system everybody thinks your sins are forgiven when you turn 18, and I will assure you that doesn't happen.

They come off as juvenile and occasionally offensive, and I think they are bad representatives for consumer internet start-ups.

There are lots of more reasonable explanations for text getting deleted than "state agency wanted to play a juvenile prank on me and be glaringly obvious about it".

There are so many examples of a vendor pushing something that's initially totally or somewhat proprietary but end up being a great thing for the web, that only comparing Dart to ActiveX is just juvenile and annoying.

Choose one of the two following explanations for the iPhone behavior: one, a well-funded and resourceful state agency is hiring people to track a journalist writing a book about the biggest intelligence leak in recent history, and the people they're hiring are juvenile enough to use methods straight out of Hollywood to play a prank on their target's iPhone when he sends a text with possibly the most milquetoast insult about their methods in the history of ever; or, two, the iPhone crashed.

Juvenile definitions


a young person, not fully developed


of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people; "juvenile diabetes"; "juvenile fashions"


displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; "adolescent insecurity"; "jejune responses to our problems"; "their behavior was juvenile"; "puerile jokes"

See also: adolescent jejune puerile