Actual in a sentence as an adjective

But it might require actual customer service; that must have made them think twice.

They don't see the actual spying as the cause of all the backlash - it's all Snowden's fault for telling the world.

It often happens that way on Law & Order, but thats not what the law actually requires.

I'm pretty hard-pressed to imagine who would, actually.

At least the tech gentrifiers will actually improve the ******* place, unlike these leeches!

And please consider that this bugzilla is not meant to be a discussion forum but rather a place where actual bugs are kept.

[1]If you want to come talk to the MongoDB team, both our offices hold open office hours[2] where you can come and talk to the actual development teams.

But what exactly does Google need to defend against, if not actual patents Android actually violates?

Let me go over the anatomy of the actual bug, to the best of my understanding, so that people can better understanding what is going on here.

I took it on faith that when The Information said they were running a "complete interview" with you, that it was in fact both complete and an actual interview.

They lie about download numbers, about download size, about number of software actually installed and about their connexions.

I believe that this application actually does connect to Apple's servers from the phone, but it doesn't then interpret the protocol on the device.

No application actually is using VT-x extensions but `host_vmon` returns `VMX_IN_USE` anyways.

I'm talking the actual conditions of the prisons in the US as labeled by organizations like Amnesty International.

This situation is actually very simple, don't let it feel overcomplicated:Tell them you need an actual salary and actual health insurance in the next 30 days.

Wozniak did not learn about the actual bonus until ten years later, but said that if Jobs had told him about it and had said he needed the money, Wozniak would have given it to him.

Note I barely have any actual work experience at this point, I've only shown boundless ambition and a willingness to wait for senior people to retire so I can take their position.

If you try to add capacity to a system at 100% utilization, it is not going to work.> 5. mongos is unreliable> The mongod/config server/mongos architecture is actually pretty reasonable and clever.

Indeed, the prosecution is even allowed to admit any physical evidence discovered as a fruit of the statement obtained in violation of Miranda only the actual statement is excluded.

The people who actually work the port asked that they not disrupt the port, but in the end these dreadlocked, shiftless complainers cost those longshoremen a day in wages -- Viva El Proletariado!What we have today is a group of young, electively poor white kids who are upset that the price of unheated lofts and dingy Victorians are being driven up by people who have the means and motivation to actually own and improve them.

Actual definitions


presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible; "the predicted temperature and the actual temperature were markedly different"; "actual and imagined conditions"

See also: existent


taking place in reality; not pretended or imitated; "we saw the actual wedding on television"; "filmed the actual beating"


being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma"

See also: genuine literal real


existing in act or fact; "rocks and trees...the actual world"; "actual heroism"; "the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced"

See also: factual


being or existing at the present moment; "the ship's actual position is 22 miles due south of Key West"