Factual in a sentence as an adjective

I don't know what that says about the rest of the article, but that quote doesn't read very factual to me.

There was no factual basis for this claim - just the opinion of the company CEO.

The video is full of slander and straight up factual errors and even gets almost all of cryptography and network protocols wrong.

"This petition has the same problem most petitions submitted to the White House have--its factual premise is incorrect.

Minor point, but if you are using factual questions to filter out stupid people, asking for the "right" number of continents is probably not ideal.

Told it would be "insubordination" not to sign this "official version of events", even though it was full of factual inaccuracies.

All factual information can be summarized in two sentences:"The mars rover lasted longer than expected because we did not anticipate the strong winds blowing dust off the solar panels.

That review didn't simply object to the tone or the message of the book, but also pointed out specific factual errors the book made, errors that were later tacitly acknowledged by the author.

This will be tricky at best and obviously will take a party of Apple's sophistication and wherewithal to marshal the arguments and factual development effectively.

I get the feeling that at the very top of every Hacker News comment thread, there's someone who claims that the author of the article is an incompetent idiot because they found a factual error somewhere in the article.

When he says, "Bacteria, like any living organism, want to survive," and "So anything that we do to try and **** bacteria, or anything the environment does to try and **** bacteria, bacteria will eventually discover ways or find ways around those" he is making factual statements that are plainly incorrect on their face.

Factual definitions


existing in act or fact; "rocks and trees...the actual world"; "actual heroism"; "the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced"

See also: actual


of or relating to or characterized by facts; "factual considerations"