Acclimatize in a sentence as a verb

I think I'd need at least a week out there so I could acclimatize and drink in the culture.

The issue is that many people do not realize the range to which they can acclimatize.

It would take me roughly until the time that I was ready to leave again to acclimatize.

But then again the fact that your body can acclimatize to cold or heat is not exactly groundbreaking news.

It had been quite some time since i created any FB app and since the api changes frequently i wanted to re acclimatize myself.

People acclimatize to hot weather pretty quickly, but we spend a lot of time fighting it in favor of temporary comfort.

A week in Arequipa and a week in Cusco before trekking to Machu Picchu is enough to acclimatize your body.

"There are mental trauma, that has not been caused by physical trauma, that will end up being like the gash you describe never being able to acclimatize to.

As you acclimatize, try shrinking/eliminating the core sleep gradually.

You could easily imagine your body to acclimatize to new bacteria.

I'm glad I've trained my brain to acclimatize to TTS, trivially easy to compile epubs into audiobooks now. Think we're a few years away from neural TTS solutions making passable audiobooks.

I spent years habitually carrying a weighted pack or divers weight-belt to 'acclimatize' my body, never took the escalator or lift and ran every moment I could - in boots mostly.

Acclimatize definitions


get used to a certain climate; "They never acclimatized in Egypt"

See also: acclimatise acclimate