Acclimatise in a sentence as a verb

You gave the UK url where did you train to acclimatise to the heat?

You can acclimatise to it but cold shock response is a very real thing.

I started in August to help acclimatise to the change in the temperature as it cooled.

It is important to acclimatise your audience to an idea.

Travel is a skill that has to be learned - we aren't born with the ability to quickly acclimatise to different cultures.

Yup, and most savvy parents slowly acclimatise their children to alcohol by allowing them wine or beer on occasion with a meal when they are in their teens.

In reality, it was a “marketing compatibility shim” on top of C# to help VB developers acclimatise to the CLR.

And, importantly, anyone else driving one of my vehicles can very quickly acclimatise themselves and feel confident driving it.

I always took this to mean they identify more strongly with their home country, and don't want to be mistaken as someone who is willing to fully acclimatise to the local ways.

There's an argument I've seen - no idea whether it's correct - that users acclimatise to new advertising technology and eventually regress back to the mean.

Someone I know who spent a few years in the southern US had lots of fans in the house rather than air conditioning.\nHis rationale was that AC made the contrast between indoors and outdoors too great making it harder to acclimatise.

Acclimatise definitions


get used to a certain climate; "They never acclimatized in Egypt"

See also: acclimatize acclimate