Acclimate in a sentence as a verb

Before this, I used to always have t acclimate between Ubuntu and OSX and Windows, but not anymore!

This is my case, and it's actually frustrating for me. I'm not interested enough to force myself to acclimate, the way most people would have done in college due to peer pressure.

Strict scheduling in schools helped acclimate kids to the forthcoming work environment.

Since then, a lot of things have happened to Persson and the people around him, both personal and relating to games, and he's had some time to acclimate.

There's no natural flow to the conversation for my ears to acclimate toa natural groove to fall into when you listenyou cannot passively consume it.

The communities become overrun with users who never have a chance to acclimate to the culture of the site because they see more new users like themselves than they do seasoned users.

One of the things is you acclimate to it over a period of a week or two fairly successfully, so if there were a datacenter which constantly operated in that range, you should be able to get staff who can handle it.

Since you know it may be a possibility though I assume may have some time to at least cope with the fact that you could lose your vision and have a longer time to acclimate yourself to this fact rather than losing it all in a hunting accident.

We acclimated to special needs kids with attention or learning disorders, which is fantastic because we're able to take these kids, and get then up to the level of their average counterparts, and make them into productive members of society rather than ignoring and shunning them.

Also I have the source code if something really is bothering me I can change it, but I am finding after 15+ years of tweaking config files to get everything to work the way I wanted it to I am now content to just have something that works out of the box even if I have to acclimate myself to some of its nuances.

Wild conspiracy theory aside, I just realized that in a few years after the nest userbase grows more, they could tweak the temperature setting algorithm to secretly and gradually lower the user's "acceptable" temperature over time to acclimate users to lower temperatures, cutting energy usage in the world by a significant amount.

Acclimate definitions


get used to a certain climate; "They never acclimatized in Egypt"

See also: acclimatize acclimatise