Ably in a sentence as an adverb

Also, my ML knowledge is weak, but from my modest knowledge, I don't think any of it works provably. It works probably.

I can't think of a good use for one that isn't already covered ably by some other computer I have. Media centre?

You'll get about 1x on those numbers, as others have ably pointed out. I think we all agree he has done extremely well to get to this point, and that we hope he gets fair value.

If you accept that everyone makes mistakes, would you rather work with the ones who discover them and deal with them ably, or the ones who conceal them and/or don't learn from them? That said, I do see what you are getting at.

In doing so, you not only help yourself resolve your issues, but also allow those who come after you to get a more honest lay of the land, and more ably deal with the challenges that await them. For that, I salute you.

Thank you for demonstrating this disingenuous method of discourse so ably.

You could foresee-ably work the rest of your life and never build your company to that level on your own. No doubt OpenTable worked extremely hard to get to this point so I wish them all the best in the future and nice, long lives to enjoy that wealth.

My concern is that there is no deterrent to this being attempted again, perhaps in a context that is less visible, and less ably defended, than in this case.

GitHub's ably and subtly positioning themselves as attractive for a much wider audience than programmers.

Locking labor into regional markets and therefore ably to constrain that labor and that labors compensation. Contrast that will a company that allows remote work, and they have no need for the H1B argument, they can literately access that talent on that talents terms.

The SOX rules have a short history and securities laws go back to the 1930s, more or less ably protecting investors during their long tenure before SOX took effect. Such protections will continue to exist for offerings made by these small issuers who will get some interim relief from SOX requirements.

That there's barely anything even out of context that's quot-ably dishonest in 5000 emails is if anything a testament to their integrity, given that the whole premise is that they thought they were "talking freely".

You could probably get some old CAD programs to run on your Android. But if we compare the massive number of newly written OpenGL ES applications to all the old OpenGL 1. x fixed pipeline apps, the latter seem insignificant. As he so ably demonstrates, it's just not that hard to port the older apps either.

It's a problem unique to our generation since previous generations weren't able to capture, as ably as we can capture now, all the unnecessary specifics of daily life.

A few years, months, or weeks of not being subjected to the psychological burden of following 'the news' and its gradual narrative, whether that's NYT or otherwise, can have quite effective results on how ably you judge things in the future.

Quote Examples using Ably

Mr. Clemens demonstrates ably, I think, that Mr. Khan is a lousy history teacher. I haven't taken any of his science courses, so I can't speak about them, but it's clear that when it comes to history Mr. Khan lacks the depth of knowledge and fluency with the facts to teach effectively.


Ably definitions


with competence; in a competent capable manner; "they worked competently"

See also: competently aptly capably