Capably in a sentence as an adverb

Can more capably see the pros and cons of the latest fads.\n3.

Best I can see for the near future, bots could very capably create "news spam.

But the language arts were always very capably taught in the district, generally better than math.

Require that doctors be able to demonstrate that they can practice their area of medicine capably.

They simply trust non-governmental entities to capably care for their fellow men.

Thin/Rack/Sinatra, for example, behaves capably in a thread-per-request mode.

They have their guidelines and rules and aren't capably of any interaction outside of this framework.

As someone that uses both Android and iOS pretty regularly, I don't think widgets add much that the Notification shade and Action Center don't handle capably.

We need someone who already knows what matters to the various stakeholders in each hospital and can capably explain how our products are a win for all of them.

Mplayer, for example, is just as capably at playing just about any media format, but is definitely far more user-unfriendly than vlc

It executes specific conventions capably and asks only that inexpert readers concentrate and enjoy.

Hiring for company culture could be as simple as having a no ******* rule or preferring people that can capably balance their home-work life rather than 10x until they burn out in a year and a half and quit.

It's probably not the Absolute Best at any particular domain but it's easy to learn and use, and it serves fairly capably for sysadmin scripting, web development, scientific computing, etc.

Capably definitions


with competence; in a competent capable manner; "they worked competently"

See also: competently aptly ably