Zircon in a sentence as a noun

The CNN article doesn't but it's a detrital zircon.

I do a lot with porting devices to fuchsia, and tinkering with the zircon kernel.

However, lead cannot bond with the silica tetrahedra in zirconium's place.

Single crystal uranium-lead dating is one of the best all-around methods and gets used a lot for vanilla geological applications of Earth rocks; any rock that contains trace amounts of the mineral "zircon" can be dated with this technique.

Hyper occupies part of the Rust ecosystem that I think suffers from package bloat, like much of NPM. For example, currently Hyper requires 52 packages:autocfg, bitflags, bytes, cfg-if, fnv, fuchsia-zircon, fuchsia-zircon-sys, futures-channel, futures-core, futures-sink, futures-task, futures-util, h2, hashbrown, http, http-body, httparse, httpdate, indexmap, iovec, itoa, kernel32-sys, lazy_static, libc, log, memchr, mio, miow, net2, pin-project, pin-project-internal, pin-project-lite, pin-utils, proc-macro2, quote, redox_syscall, slab, socket2, syn, tokio, tokio-util, tower-service, tracing, tracing-core, try-lock, unicode-xid, want, winapi, winapi-build, winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu, winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, ws2_32-sys

They break down like so:Platform integration: libc, winapi, winapi-build, winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu, winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, ws2_32-sys, fuchsia-zircon, fuchsia-zircon-sys, kernel32-sys, redox_syscallPrimitive algorithms: itoa, memchr, unicode-xidProc macro / pinning utilities: proc-macro2, autocfg, cfg-if, lazy_static, quote, syn, pin-project, pin-project-internal, pin-project-lite, pin-utilsData structures: bitflags, bytes, fnv, hashbrown, indexmap, slabCore Rust asyncio crates: mio, miow, iovec, tokio, tokio-util, futures-channel, futures-core, futures-sink, futures-task, futures-util,Logging: log, tracing, tracing-coreThe following are effectively sub-crates of the project: http, http-body, httparse, httpdate, tower-service, h2Not sure what these are for: net2, socket2, try-lock, want

Zircon definitions


a common mineral occurring in small crystals; chief source of zirconium; used as a refractory when opaque and as a gem when transparent