Zeta in a sentence as a noun

It even has a digamma, Riemann zeta, and Bessel functions with fractional orders, which you won't find in Excel. The statistics built-ins are a bit weak, however.

Sure, you can make compiler aware of Riemann zeta function values in specific ranges, but what's the use of that outside of very specialized programs? Optimizations mentioned in the article could be programmed in C and compiler would happily translate these savings into assembly.

Riemann's study revealed connections between Riemann zeta function and prime distribution, whereas later on Riemann zeta function has been shown to be highly relevant in other scientific disciplines such as physics, thus the study of prime distribution is an important part of the foundation of modern sciences."

It's something of a poor viewpoint from my perspective: Newton couldn't back up his calculus with logic, Euler and Riemann made numerous unfounded assumptions when looking at the zeta function, Heaviside built a telegraph across the Atlantic despite lacking a proper logical foundation. My personal viewpoint is that mathematics is a series of shortcuts for understanding and manipulating a wide variety of phenomena, and mathematical research is the development of further shortcuts.

Proper Noun Examples for Zeta

Anonymous is minimizing the maximum loss by releasing all information on cartel's activities including not only pay offs to law officers and others but also information on their families as it is a non zero game between more than two players with the third player being zeta's competition. Translation, Zeta got played and schooled.

Zeta definitions


the 6th letter of the Greek alphabet