Incongruity in a sentence as a noun

The incongruity with that normal attitude and spirit is a big part of what shocks people about this.

Discounting Microsoft's long history, if there's this much platform incongruity now, should we trust them to change that with time?

You're just reminding everyone of a world incongruity they came to grips with by adolescence.

I have to say, the incongruity between your accomplishments and your website [1] is mindboggling.

Hopefully they also make the Start screen dragable from screen to screen like all the Metro apps - it's an odd incongruity in their design.

In one case, it makes you laugh because of the incongruity, in another, it may help you see ideas for businesses where others do not see them.

It was not our intention to hurt people in the real world by discussing this incongruity in games and we sincerely apologize to those of you who were hurt.

I find an incongruity in these two statements.>> It would have been fairly trivial for me to go spelunking for people’s credit card information or whatever...

The problem really bites when you've experienced a large code base have some small incongruity that doesn't quite fit the model, but I don't think I could clearly and simply express that in code.

This is inviting everyone who cares about privacy to search through the retweeted's internet persona and expose any incongruity.

As I said, I read that line as an illustration of an obvious incongruity between the company the founder is trying to pitch and the perception of the background and qualifications of the founder.

Programmers are stereotypically un-hip; the whole "brogrammer" meme is a deliberate poke at the incongruity of someone hunched over their keyboard 14 hours a day, yet drinking Natty Lights while wearing popped collars.

To show that this is, in fact, the case, I would like to direct your attention to the fiction which resides at the heart of this incongruity and allows the public to engage in the requisite doublethink without cognitive discomfort: the myth of the rule of law.

Incongruity definitions


the quality of disagreeing; being unsuitable and inappropriate

See also: incongruousness