Zeroth in a sentence as an adjective

"Any number raised to the zeroth power is one."

You missed their secret weapon, the zeroth patent.

I know in Europe and other parts of the world the ground floor is the zeroth floor, and it goes up from there.

Pictures were were Facebook's zeroth killer app, without those it never would have taken off even at Harvard.

Now that I'm a crotchety old man, my zeroth rule of presentations is to always use the bathroom before presenting.

The way we are all familiar with is to define a number as a zeroth-order polynomial.

It saddens me that you introduce the straw man of the zeroth percentile, "firmly anchored at zero". It wasn't in the linked article, which only talked about quintiles, none of which are anchored at zero.

But you're still clearly retaining a reference to the lexical frame, so I'd think the "zeroth-order" assumption would be that you'd be keeping everything in that frame. It's nice that JavaScript will do enough tree-shaking that it will eliminate the single-closure case, but that's an optimization, not something you should be counting on.

I wonder if the book, which I assume is talking about Java, is ignoring the implicit zeroth argument which is the object you're invoking the function on. Obviously in C you have to make that parameter explicit, but I've got enough experience of both languages to know that people often don't consider the object to be a parameter to one of its member functions.

]\n following the links backwards to the zeroth block [... ]\n Each fi\fle was parsed in order to extract all the multisender/multireceiver transactions in it, and then the collection of transactions was encoded as a standard database on our local machine.

A zeroth-order argument for the utility of modern painkillers: you can take acetaminophen and ibuprofen at the same time for "twice" the effect, without either risking deadly liver poisoning from acetaminophen overdose, or stressing out the stomach lining from high-dosage ibuprofen or aspirin. Those of us who occasionally get migraines know all about this, as do people in palliative care.

The hierarchy of slides goes something like: Relevant images which support the speaker Relevant graphs, rendered for projection Relevant microcopy which gives context or focus Relevant videos which are kept as short as possible Bullet slides which double as effective microcopy Bullet slides which double as speaker's notes Most slides which animate in point-by-point Irrelevant or unnecessarily long videos Unreadable diagrams Unreadable walls of text The zeroth rule of presentations is don't waste your audience's time.

Zeroth definitions


preceding even the first