Zealotry in a sentence as a noun

This is now vim-emacs level zealotry. There are workflows which gasp do not mesh well with github.

I have found that torch-bearing zealotry with regards to ideals only works in the abstract world.

The foul stench of the holier than thou zealotry starts at the top and permeates its way throughout the entire system.

If the Web is to be around for another 20-30 years, it needs to avoid stagnation via language zealotry.

I mean, I love sort and uniq but your opposition to awk sounds more like religious zealotry than anything rational." It's 2011, time for a sed v.

Apple, aspiring to be exceptional, inspires exceptional zealotry. There is much to chew on for supporters of their products and platforms.

Not zealotry: bad experience. Your plug for faster updates, for example: Security updates for Solaris used to be free.

He actually did lay out the reasons, but your religious zealotry won't let you see it because someone isn't loving your sacred choice of technology.

This was a perfect storm of tech interest and general wonderment in 3D printing meeting zealotry applied towards gun laws, from both directions. People from Defense Distributed are well aware of this; nonsense or not, it made a great launch pad and buzz mill.

Most technical discourse turns into religious zealotry, and I think Yegge's observations are relatively true. For instance, look at all the debates on static typing versus dynamic typing.

The narrative of Firefox isn't "the nerds vs the assholes in IT" its "OSS pigheadedness & zealotry vs basic convenience" and its amusing to see a more liberal project like Chrome eat its lunch.

No talk about how Monaghan's Catholic zealotry has resulted in the decline of a massive company to the detriment of its thousands of employees and hundreds of franchise owners. There's a wealth of interesting topics to talk about in this story, and Business Week did a great job avoiding all of it.

He's so blinded by his own zealotry that I'd argue that beyond the inner, hard-core "free software circle, he's seen as much of an embarrassment to the notion of free software as Phelps and Westboro are likely seen by other Christians. I've felt this way a long time about RMS; his comment about Steve Jobs's death was uncalled for--but it really was well-within character.

If TDD was chosen to be your process because of erroneous assumptions about the values of TDD, its strengths and its weaknesses, and those erroneous assumptions are a result of religious zealotry squashing the heretics rather than reasoned debate, then you have a problem. Religion belongs in the church, not in software.

You truly underestimate the zealotry and kool-aid drinking capacity of the average Oracle DBA. When your entire career is based on the training and certifications you've received from a single company, every database solution magically becomes Oracle...

I recently wrote on the topic of the lack of overlap between zealotry for a cause and wealth. I think that to become super-wealthy requires a certain cluelessness when it comes to what to spend money on - or how to spend money to best effect, or more fundamentally how to use money to change the world in a way you believe in, or a lack of the vision needed to see how to spend money.

I sometimes think the reason Python doesn't have the zealotry in its community like other languages is because it attracts such practical people that when faced with a problem that would be easier solved in another language, will simply use the other language.

It's not my fault that so many people choose to take their spiritual beliefs so far past zealotry that something so inconsequential as a logo would upset them, and yet it's somehow my problem because I'm apparently supposed to be constantly on the lookout for opportunities to not offend people who believe in ********. These people would never extend me the same courtesy if I asked them to remove their Christian jewellery.

Zealotry definitions


excessive intolerance of opposing views

See also: fanaticism fanatism