Wrestle in a sentence as a noun

We play legos, we play blocks, we build trains, we color pictures, wrestle, laugh, read books.

Race cars today, skydive tomorrow, wrestle bears next month.

[2]Finally, we have to wrestle with the issue of causality.

I don't. What I see is people cheerfully enhancing testing tools to wrestle with the complexity.

However, going into the muddy water to wrestle with crocodiles is a different matter entirely!

All of us who wrestle with the extraordinarily difficult questions about intelligence that Flynn discusses are in his debt.

: "This book is a gold mine of pointers to interesting work, much of which was new to me. All of us who wrestle with the extraordinarily difficult questions about intelligence that Flynn discusses are in his debt.

Wrestle in a sentence as a verb

Of course it costs money to organize and maintain databases, but the way they wrestle you out of the copyright of your own works to ask $25 per paper sickens me. I am legally not even allowed to put my own work on my own website.

"\""Apple, for all the **** they get for being “closed” and “evil”, has actually done far more to wrestle control back from the carriers and put it into the hands of consumers.

It had the usual "command direct-object" syntactical format common to MUDs, but it became an infamous problem to wrestle with the parser to find the correct "obvious" action.

And honestly, I'd rather be forced to do a complete mental shift into a "plain editor" mode rather than have to wrestle with "will this particular combination of Vim commands work in this pseudo-Vim world?

In short, they pay not a single dime to produce the content, charge the researchers to have their submission reviewed and published, publish the content and make money off of the subscription they sell, and sue the **** out of anyone who tries to wrestle it back out of their control.

For every other task is too expensive and just not the proper tool.\nI was involved in a project that used Erlang for something not well suited for it, and it was absolutely awful, you have to wrestle with it to perform common stuff that in other languages is done by the standard library.

Wrestle definitions


the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat; "they had a fierce wrestle"; "we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully"

See also: wrestling grapple grappling


combat to overcome an opposing tendency or force; "He wrestled all his life with his feeling of inferiority"


engage in deep thought, consideration, or debate; "I wrestled with this decision for years"


to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling); "The prisoner writhed in discomfort"; "The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace"

See also: writhe wriggle worm squirm twist


engage in a wrestling match; "The children wrestled in the garden"