Worship in a sentence as a noun

If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them.

Politicians don't worship you, your kids still have to work hard if they are to attend good schools, et cetera.

"I had sympathy yesterday, but this is turning in to hero martyr worship.

I'm not much into hero worship, but if you guys don't know Bunnie you should really take 5 minutes to understand who wrote this article.

Worship in a sentence as a verb

A group of people will go out, and unanimously decide to ***** and pinch and swipe their glass worship stones instead of having a ******* conversation or looking around them.

Belief in a strong, super-genius, infallible leader that we can never equal and/or please, may be ingrained in our brains, be it religion or, as in this case, CEO worship.

On the contrary, I believe diversity is a wonderful thing and I find it fascinating that nearly every group of people out there has devised their own ways of communication, worship etc.

Having our kids giving their daily state worship by saying a "prayer" and physically submitting themselves to a state icon is something that I would expect would upset both secular people like myself and religious people.

Worship definitions


the activity of worshipping


a feeling of profound love and admiration

See also: adoration


love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol; "Many teenagers idolized the Beatles"

See also: idolize idolise hero-worship revere


show devotion to (a deity); "Many Hindus worship Shiva"


attend religious services; "They worship in the traditional manner"