Idolize in a sentence as a verb

Poor guy, someday I hope he doesn't have to do that.It makes me a little sick to see some people idolize this.

I see HFTs as a parasite on a broken system, nothing more, and I'm shocked that so many HNers idolize them.

An artist either has to relate to the consumer or the artist has to be someone they idolize.

I'm amazed at how many elite-school tech types idolize Singapore for some strange reason.

Personally I would rather idolize the one who helped humanity, not the one who helped himself by making toys for rich people.

The young and the impressionable swallow this stuff up without much thought and observation because they are led to idolize such figures.

Rant warning:It really disturbs me that people on sites like Reddit and Hacker News, and young people in general, seem to idolize psychedelics so much.

These people are absolutely an inspiration and should be on every television station there is; hopefully kids will idolize them.

Second, when did use of his site constitute a requirement to idolize him?The biggest successes are in tech from...Ah, the ol' "techies can do everyone elses job better than them" trope.

Is it really so strange to idolize such a place?Singapore does have the death penalty for a few too many things, I'll admit, but you're not likely to get the ax for carrying a little weed.

But their products were sufficiently good that people were willing to overlook their personality traits, and indeed even idolize them as positive examples of leaders in the Tech industry.

I wouldn't idolize Bill Gates either -- while his recent activities are more charitable than Jobs, he led Microsoft through some less-than-charitable activities.

Implement a common format because that'll make debugging and workarounds easier, add a little diagnostic console or log in case your users have a problem you didn't expect, make backups of data you destructively modify, and so on. We all idolize Mac Airs now, for beautifully-designed and slick software.

So nerds only like shows that cater to their superiority complex and idolize every aspect of their existence?That sure sounds a lot like the superficial, narcissistic plebeians from whom nerds constantly strive to differentiate themselves.

Years of sacrifice gone that you'll never get back, even more expectations than before, because now you're supposed to act like a successful person, even more anxiety that you'll disappoint the people who idolize you, eager to believe in the fairy-tale that you've made it and everything's happily-ever-after-picture-perfect.

Idolize definitions


love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol; "Many teenagers idolized the Beatles"

See also: idolise worship hero-worship revere