Worsening in a sentence as a noun

The end result might well have been no improvement in her situation and a drastic worsening of his.

First of all, the "never been in more trouble" in the first sentence gives the impression that these are all worsening trends.

You'll get more help for me as long as I can rationalize it as only worsening a temporary situation.

The delay results in significant worsening of the disease process.

It does, however, have the effect of worsening income disparity.

I haven't heard Knuth lecture for maybe five years, but he seemed sort of stuttery -- something I don't remember from his last lecture I saw at MIT. Does anyone know if the stuttering is common / worsening?

The constant procrastination had eventually caused me to sink into depression, thus worsening the cycle even more.

Worsening in a sentence as an adjective

The Tny structs and their string values are individually malloc'ed, worsening the performance, so allocation and deletion is a slow process.

Then you see worsening politicking, squabbling, dark humor about "at least it pays well" and general "acting out."I saw both of these in action at my last real job, at a tech co. you've heard of.

That's basically what he's saying in the very next sentence, isn't it?That said, if I can write code, I find that work is sometimes one of the most effective ways to stop the depression from worsening

Google Code was intended to provide an alternative the worsening monoculture of Sourceforge, because it was becoming actively harmful to open source.

She suffered close to a decade of a progressively worsening bipolar/depression/substance abuse loop, even after spending over a year in voluntary, in-patient treatment centers.

Basing a business plan on advertising is a decision to provide a cheaper/free service at the cost of deliberately worsening the UI and, ultimately, the user's experience with your product.

Worsening definitions


process of changing to an inferior state

See also: deterioration declension


changing something with the result that it becomes worse


changing for the worse; "worried by the worsening storm"