Drastic in a sentence as an adjective

I get some quirks here and there, but nothing drastic.

It is an option, but a pretty drastic one.

The impact on future projects would be drastic.

However, the more drastic effect of child gender can be seen on male employee wages.

> If we really want to **** IE[6-8], we need to do something more drastic, and do so with extreme prejudice.

Craig Newmark has said that he's scared to make drastic changes to the UX specifically because he doesn't know what magic recipe keeps people coming back.

This is the danger of mobs, people become more emotional and feel more entitled to take more drastic actions that they would otherwise eschew alone.

If we're going to open a new dialog on this:Has anybody noticed the drastic decline in quality of links and comments in the last month or so?

The problem with this, of course, that the country is so populated that it is extremely hard to make this drastic of an imposition and follow through with it.

In order to maintain their dirty secret, they have to take more and more drastic measures that weaken their ability to operate their illegal enterprise in an efficient manner.

In reality, I don't see anything major happening without some drastic innovation that cuts associated costs significantly in order to build up that margin.

Regarding all the suggestions to change search engines:Deleting the Google search entry is not an action that can easily be undone, and it will have drastic consequences, such as permanently disabling suggestions and instant for omnibox searches.

I think it's up to the individual to be honest with themselves and decide whether they need to take drastic measures to curtail their porn use, whether it's a bad habit, or whether it's just another outlet and presents no threat to their emotional well-being.

Drastic definitions


forceful and extreme and rigorous; "drastic measures"