Work-shy in a sentence as an adjective

I can see how people may land up taking less leave due to fear of being judged to as work-shy.

I'd rather work for someone like JC than a work-shy narcissist.

> But quite frankly, those with limited access to contraception and the work-shy will procreate anyway, whether the state boosts their income or not.

Insulting the people you want to join you seems line a poor way to get support:" benefit scroungers, strike-hungry air traffic controllers, long-living pensioners, unruly refugees, and all other local pests from the neighborhood..."

His central messages are "the doctors know best, and we shouldn't listen to patients as they are work-shy and/or drug addicts", and "I won't talk about the whistleblower, Anna Watson, except to say that she's a trouble-maker, whom we had to fire, and is being investigated for malpractice".I'm not a medical professional, but I don't agree that machines can always diagnose pain.

Work-shy definitions


disinclined to work or exertion; "faineant kings under whose rule the country languished"; "an indolent hanger-on"; "too lazy to wash the dishes"; "shiftless idle youth"; "slothful employees"; "the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy"

See also: faineant indolent lazy otiose slothful